Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Post #2: Elijah and Abby dream of becoming fisherman and moving away from Curry Island, but they must help out the family in order to keep their land. Elijah risks his freedom and life to get the money his family desperately needs. If you had to help your family in this situation, what would you do to earn money to help keep your land/home/property?


  1. If I was in a situation where I needed to help my family with money, I would get some type of job. I could babysit kids on my younger brothers baseball team. I could also rake leaves, mow lawns, or shovel snow for money.

  2. Griffin Geiger
    If I were in the situation that Elijah is in, I would mow people's lawns in the summer, and shovel people's driveways in the winter.

  3. If I was in Elijah's situation, I would babysit the kids in my neighborhood after school, I would do yard work for my neighbors, and I would sell my stuff that I don't need anymore like old toys and clothes.

  4. If I had to help my family in this situation, I would get multiple jobs to earn money to help keep my land/home/property. Jobs like babysitting, dog walking, being a maid, waitressing, etc.

  5. If I were in the situation here I need to help my family with money I would probably get a small job and would go door to door asking people if they are willing to let me help out with things for low pay.

  6. If I had to earn money to support my family I would probably babysit or get a job at a place in town. I would probably sell stuff in a garage sale that I don't need/use anymore and the kids could have a lemonade stand.

  7. If I had to help my family with money, I would vounteer for any paying job, whether it is low or high paying. I could babysit or do yardwork. I would also have a garage sale for old toys, clothes, games, etc.

  8. If I was in Elijah's situation I would get a small job to earn some money. I could do chores for my neighbors and walk their dogs. I would also sell some of my things that I don't need to keep our property. I would also ask my closest friends if they could help out.

  9. Alyssa KochendoerferOctober 25, 2014 at 2:41 PM

    If I was in the same position as Elijah and Abby, I would try to do anything and everything to help out my family. I could get small jobs like babysitting or sell old clothes and things like that.

  10. If my family needed money to pay taxes, I would go around my neighborhood and do yard work for people for little money. I could sell some of the video games I don't play anymore. Also, I could lend my parents some of my money from allowances.

  11. What I would do if my family were in this situation is that I would get as many jobs as I could so I could help my family and ask some friends if I they could lend some money to my family and I.

  12. If I was in a situation where I needed to help my family out with money I would try to find some small jobs. Some jobs could be working at a store, walking dogs, babysitting, lawn work, and shoveling snow. I could also sell some of my own things that I don't need anymore like old toys or clothes.

  13. If i was in a situation like Eljiah's I would make money by watching my cousins or walking neighborhood dogs. I could aso help out by watching my sisters while my parents went to work.

  14. If i had to help my family earn money i would sell my junk and shovel peoples driveways in the summer

  15. I would do several odd jobs in order to have enough money to support my family, had I been in that situation. Jobs like cleaning windows, walking dogs, car washes, working at fast food places, things like that.

  16. Lexi Przyojski

    If I had to help my family I would probably start a baby-sitting business with my siblings (which would bring more money because we would all need to get paid). I could also, when I'm 14 and 8 months (I think that's the age), get a part-time job.

  17. If I was in Elijah's situation, I would definitely help out to the best of my ability. I could babysit, and snow shovel. I would give all my money to help keep the family's property.

    ~Maddy Andra ❤❤❤

  18. If I was in the situation that Elijah is in I would get multiple jobs and help on peoples farms to earn some extra money for my family. -Cameron Hammer

  19. If I had to help out with my family, I would babysit a lot. I would apply for a lot of jobs. I would also do seasonal jobs like, snow shovel and rake leaves, and mow the lawn for other people.

    Morgan Kelly

  20. If I was in the same situation as Elijah and Abby, I would do chores like walking the dogs, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, and as many things that I could do. Basically I would do work around the house. -Bradley South-

  21. If I were in the same situation as Elijah and Abby I would help my family by doing tasks like mowing other peoples lawns, doing their housework, babysitting, and raking leaves.

    ---Hillary Hemry

  22. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░Xander Stewart░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
    If I was in a situation such as the one that Elijah is in, I would start to do odd jobs around the community. If the jobs didn't pay enough then I Would take more jobs, until I would be able to have enough money in time to pay the bills. The jobs would be stuff like mowing, babysitting, raking leaves, or shoveling snow.

  23. If I needed to make bank i would becoma a carpenters apprentence so i could make money and tools for my family.

  24. If I were in the same situation as Elijah, I may find it best to take several jobs to earn money, such as fruit picking or farming land. Since Elijah and Abby fish on occasion, it'd also make sense to maybe sell fish that I've caught to earn money, or even rent out my boat (taking the money first, of course, since I'd most likely be cheated out of it).

  25. If my family needed money like Elijah and Abby's family do, I would do multiple things. If it was winter I would shovel peoples driveways, if it was summer I would mow their lawn, and if it was fall I would rake leaves for people. When I am not doing that I would babysit for my mom and dads friends and for my neighbors.
    -Taylor Weirich

  26. If I were in this situation that I need to help my family with money I would get small jobs such as yard work, shovel, pet watcher, babysit, etc. Anything to help my family out.
    Jeremy Pridgeon

  27. If my family were in this situation and my family desperately needs money what I would do to help out my family is I would look for jobs to work. I wouldn't go to school, but instead I would go work. But since I am only thirteen it would be hard for me to find a real job at a store or something. So the next thing I would do is to sell all of the belongings that I could to try and get more money. Then if that didn't cover all of the money we needed I would take all of the money from my bank account and I would give it all to them. I would do almost anything in order to help out my family. They are the ones who took care of me, and they spent their money to feed me and clothe me so I would help them out as much as I could.

    -Maegan Pete

  28. If my family needed money, I'd find a place to sell any of my old stuff that I didn't need anymore, I'd try and not ask for much so to preserve the little money we had, and I'd even try looking for jobs around town that would pay me some sort of cash. I could walk dogs, mow lawns, do yard work, or even shovel snow.

  29. If I were in this situation and I had to help my family out, I would probably babysit, ask people if they need any help cleaning up or setting up parties, I would cat sit, I would walk peoples dogs, I would sell my toys and old clothes for money for my family, and I would either play classical music at restaurants if they did that back then or be a waiter at a restaurant.

  30. If I were in a situation like this, I would go door to door knocking and ask people if they need help with anything for low money, such as dog walking, babysitting, lawn mowing, or leaf raking. I might also have a garage sale if i didn't get a lot of money by helping people. I could sell my old clothes or toys. That is what I would do if my family need money for land or something.

  31. If I were in Elijah's situation and I needed to raise money for my family to keep my land, home, or property I would sell my old things, babysit, and make things like crafts and stuff with my grandma for low cost and then sell them for profit.

  32. If I was in Elijah's situation, I would babysit younger kids that live around me, mow lawns, walk dogs, rake leaves and have a garage sale.

    Morgan Powell

  33. If I was in this situation, I would help my family get the money that we need. When helping them, I would sell all the things that I don't need anymore, babysit, and rake leaves.

  34. If I was in the situation that Elijah was in I would go ask all the people that I could and see if they needed any help in their house or in the yard to earn money for my family.

  35. If I were in a similar situation to Elijah's I would jump at the opportunity to help my family out. In the summer I could mow lawns. During winter I could shovel sidewalks and driveways and sell some of my unwanted possessions.

  36. If, for some reason, my family managed to screw something up so badly that I had to fix it, I would do what I can do to find money. Pose as homeless beggar? Sure I can do that. Probably. I know how to mow my lawn, so who's to say I can't do someone else's? If its winter, I can shovel snow, or fall I can rake leaves. Simple, easy, low-pay jobs that no one else wants to do.

  37. If I was in their position I would most likely become a fisherman and just sell all of the fish I caught to locals

  38. If I was in the same position as Elijah then in order to help my family get money I would have to go to several jobs like mowing the lawn, babysitting, selling stuff that I don't need (like clothes) and etc.

  39. If I was in Elijah's situation, I would try to do as much as possible to help my family out. I would earn money by mowing lawns, raking leaves, babysit, and find any open jobs available for my age. -Kylie Schroeder

  40. If i was in Elijah's position, i would definitely help out my family because i would not want to lose my home. I would have a garage sale, get a job like help at my mom's friend's pizza place, babysit, hang signs for any jobs that need assistance. It would be my number one priority to keep my home/land/property.

    ~Maci Forster

  41. If I needed some quick $$$, I would probably work a couple of different jobs. I would Mow my lawn, and maybe even my neighbors and my grandmas lawn. I would probably shovel snow and really try to do any job to get my family the money they need to pay the bills.

    -Nate Kujawa

  42. If I were in the same situation as Elijah, I'm the summer, I'd babysit, walk dogs, gardening, and mow lawns. In fall, I'd rake leaves and walk dogs. In winter, I'd shovel snow. In spring, I'd sell old clothes and toys, walk dogs, and babysit. I'd do as much as I possibly could do to earn money.

  43. If I was in Elijah's situation, I would take the money that I get paid with from my job at a pumpkin farm and put it towards the taxes. If even more money was needed, I would take all of my valuables and sell them at a garage sale. I also would not rule out going around town, looking for work.

  44. If my family was in a situation like Elijah's, I would find some kind of job to work for to get money. I would babysit my neighbors, babysit my siblings if my parents had to go away, mow lawns, work on the fields, plow the snow, and sell items that I no longer need.

  45. If I was in Elija's situation, I would collect old toys, things that we dont use anymore, and have a garage sale. I would also help my neighboors, considering that i have before.
    -Burton Kozsey

  46. If I were in Elijah's situation, I would sell all my possessions that I do not use almost every day. -Josie Moore

  47. If I had to earn money for my family, I would sell the items we don't use or need, then I'd get a job as a helper on a farm, or at a store. Anywhere that would pay me at least a little bit because a little bit counts.
    -Vanessa Baumgartner, 2nd hour

  48. Cade Nelson,

    If i had to get money for my family I would do just about anything.My family is very important to me and if they needed my help i would gladly give it to them. I could sell items that i would make money from and I could get jobs helping around a farm to make money.

  49. If I had to earn money for my family, I would earn extra jobs around my neighborhood. I could babysit, walk dogs, and complete other tasks that people need to be done. Another way that i could earn money, is to sell my possessions that I no longer need or use.
    -Olivia Kopaniasz, 2nd Hour

  50. If i had to earn extra money for my family then i would do as much as possible for them. i would find a job of some sort doing something. i would do anything for my family.i would sell things i don't need/don't want. i would do as much as possible if my family was in desperate need of money.

    Mariah Frobel 2nd hour
