Thursday, October 9, 2014

Post #1: In the book The Glory Field there is a family tree of the Lewis family that goes all the way back to when their ancestor, Muhammad Bilal, was brought to America on a slave ship. It is an interesting part of the story and usually sparks interest about where our ancestors came from. I would like you to talk to your parents about your family's origins (both sides if possible) and post what you learned from your parents.


  1. ~Mary Olnhausen~
    Italian (Mom's side)
    English (Mom's side)
    German (Dad's side)
    Irish (Dad's side)
    French (Dad's side)

  2. I found out from my parents, that I came from four different countries. From my mom's side I came from Germany and czechoslovakia. On my dad's side I came from Ireland and Poland. To conclude, I am German, Polish, Slovakian, and Irish.

  3. What I learned from talking with my parents was that I am Blackfoot Indian, Irish, Hungarian, and dutch from my moms side. From my dads side I am Polish and German.

  4. My mom's side of the family was from Ireland, Germany, and France. They are mostly Irish and German. My dad's side of the family was from Germany, Hungary, and England. My dad's family is from a couple more countries, but those are the most common ones that he remembers.

  5. I have talked to my parents before, and on my moms side of the family my Grandfather is German. My Dad's side of the family is Irish. The name "Kelly" also is Irish.

    Morgan Kelly

  6. On my fathers side, I am German part Indian tribe. On my mothers side I am French Canadian, and Polish

    -Grace Diesing

  7. My mom is somehow related to the founder of Whitmer High School. My mom also has the diary of my great great great great great great grandma. And my great grandpa on my dad's side was born in Austria.

    -Nate Kujawa

  8. My dads relatives were mainly from Germany.
    My moms were mostly from Italy.

    Jeremy Pridgeon

  9. My mom's parents were German and Polish. My dad's parents were English and German.

  10. My mother's side of my family descends from nomadic Spanish fruit gatherers that immigrated here from Spain, and my father's side comes from Mexico and Spain, though the earliest known ancestors in his family tree have no records on their lives.

  11. My dads side came from holland and my moms came form germany

  12. My mom's side is British, German, Scottish and Cherokee Indian. My dad's side is Irish and my grandma's maiden name is French.

  13. My Dads ancestors were from France, Germany, Australia, and Poland.

    My Moms ancestors were from Ireland and she is also Native American.
    -Kylee Nadolny

  14. On my mom's side, I am Polish and Italian. On my dad's side I am German and Hungarian.

    -Kyle Becker

  15. My dads side of the family is from India. My moms side of the family is from India too.

    -Dharati Patel

  16. On my dads side: Mostly French, some Italian.
    On my moms side: My mom has German, Native American and some Irish in her.

  17. I found out that my dads whole family tree is from Ireland and are Irish. My moms side of the family are Irish and polish.

  18. My mom's side is from Ireland, and my dad's side is from France and Scotland

  19. I'm Irish and Polish on my moms side of the family. On my dad's side I am Irish German Polish and African American. Madison Andra

  20. My Dads ancestors were from Germany and Ireland. My Moms ancestors were from Italy.

    -Morgan Powell

  21. My dads ancestors are from China and Malaysia. My moms ancestors are from Shainghai, China.

  22. My dad's ancestors were from Germany and France. My mom's ancestors were from Canada and Ireland. Bradley South

  23. Audrey Turner
    My mom's ancestors are mostly from Germany and Ireland. My Dad's ancestors are from Poland and Germany.

  24. Dads side:
    Ottawa and Cherokee Indian
    Moms side:

  25. My mom's ancestors are from Ireland, Germany, and Scotland. My dad's ancestors are English and German.


  26. My ancestors are from Africa; actually, everybody’s ancestors are from Africa. Scientists are nearly positive that the original Homo sapiens came from Africa, so in theory, everybody originated in Africa. But besides that, my most ancient of ancient of ancestors came from China. Both of my grandpas were born in China but moved to Taiwan once the Civil War in China broke out. On the other hand, both my grandma’s families were already in Taiwan and both grandmas were born there. My dad’s side grandparents met, married, and eventually had six kids, four sisters and two brothers, one son being my dad. My mother’s side grandparents also met, married, but had five kids, three daughters and two sons, the middle sister being my mom. So I have a whole lot of family. Then in 1981, my dad met my mom in college and in 1985, got married. Shortly after the wedding, my father left for America, and nine months later, after finding ground in Philadelphia, my mom and my grandma (dad’s side) followed in suit. My grandmother then moved to California to live close to my Uncle, and in 1991, my parent took a plane to live in San Francisco, California. Two years later in 1993, my brother was born there and was raised for about a year in Cali, but, for the last time, my family moved. They left behind California and took a cross country road trip to where we are now, Bedford, Michigan, where in 2000 I, the gift from heaven, was born and where we still live. Most of my mother’s siblings still reside in Taiwan, but my dad’s siblings moved to Australia, California, Georgia, and Chicago.
    (sorry this is so long)

  27. My mom's dad is from England, my mom's mom is from Germany.
    My dad's side is from Germany, and that's all I know.

  28. On my paternal side, my mother's, my grandpa's grandpa came from France, and his grandma came from England. Their names were Joseph Meyer and Lily Cain. On my grandma's side, her dad's ancestors came from Germany and Poland. Her mother's ancestors came from England. Their names were Howard Seybold and Dalee Robinson. On my fraternal side, my dad's, his dad's ancestors came from Italy, and his mother's came from Ireland.

    Lucille Meyer

  29. My Dad's family on his Mom's side is German and English, his Dad's Welsh and Scottish.
    My Mom's family on her Dad's side is German and French-Canadian, her Mom's Scottish and Irish.

  30. My dad's entire family is from Germany. My mom's dad is Italian and her mom is Irish and Italian.

  31. My mom is German, Polish, welsh, English, Irish, and Swiss. My Dad is Hungarian

  32. My dads ancestors came from Grecce, Turkey

    My mom's ancestors came from Germany, Italy and Iraq

    Breetha b

  33. I found out that my mom is German and Italian and my dad is English, German, and Irish. Therefore, I am English, German, Irish, and Italian.

  34. My ancestors on my dads side are from Ireland and Germany but we are mainly black Irish which is being of Irish decent but with darker features such as hair.
    On my moms side we believe that are ancestors are from Germany, Scotland, Ireland, England, and Italy.

  35. The ancestors from my Moms side of the family are Mexican and Italian. The ancestors from my Dads side of the family are French and maybe German.

    - Maegan Pete

  36. My dad's ancestors are from Switzerland, Germany, Poland, and Ireland. My mom doesn't really know a lot about her ancestry, except that she had a decendant from the Mayflower. Her name was Elizabeth Hopkins.

    -Stephanie Harasim

  37. On my moms side they mostly came from Germany and on my dads side the came from Ireland and
    ~Taylor Weirich

  38. My mom's side is Irish, Italian, Germany, and France. My dad's side is Scottish, Belgium, and Italian. My Grandparents all moved to America to escape to a better life where they were married and continued their families. One of my grandfathers was a part of the Italian Mafia and traveled to America to expand and organize the Itailian Mafia's power. He later was married and settled down with children

  39. -Kerragan Gandee
    My mom's side of the family is from somewhere in Europe (she's not sure exactly...) and my dad's side is from Panama.

  40. My mom's great great grandparents were from England, and her great great grandmother died of tuberculosis. My dad's great grandparents on his mom's side were also from England. But his dad's side is from Poland. That's why I have a Polish last name.

  41. On my mom's side, we are English, French, and German. My mothers maiden name, Kesler, is a German name, and my grandpa is 100% German. However, my great-grandma on my mom's side maiden name, Chambers, is English. On my dad's side, we aren't positive, but Goforth is a German name

  42. Rachel Nanney

    From my dads side I am English, Irish, and Native American. From my mothers side I am German, and Welsh.

  43. Well, on my dads side, we are mostly polish, and german. On my dads side I am Irish, Polish, Dutch, English, and German. On my moms side, i am Canadian, German, and Dutch.
    _ Abbey Jaegle

  44. My dad's father is native American and his mother is almost entirely German with a small amount of French. On my moms side I am English her father was born in England and his mom was from there.
    -Elizabeth Geer

  45. My mom's side is German and French, but mostly German. My mom's family used to be organ-makers back in Germany. We think they lived near Hamburg. Also, Their name was changed from Geisike to Giesige.

    My dad's side is 100% Polish. My dad's great-grandma was a sheep herder and she came to America when she was about 10 years-old. Our last name is Przyojski but it was spelled a little differently before my dad's great-grandma came to America, they think somebody wrote our name wrong on the records.

    Lexi Przyojski

  46. My mom and dad are both from Germany but my dad is also from frace and my mom is also from England.

  47. My dad's grandpa (from his dad's side) is from Germany, and his mom's father is from Ukraine. My mom's dad's side is from Germany, and her mom's side we aren't quite sure. -Kylie Schroeder

  48. On my mom's side, her mom's family was from Germany and her dad's family was from England and Ireland. On my dad's side, his father's family was from Poland and his mom's family was from Germany.

  49. ~~~~~~~~~~Xander Stewart~~~~~~~~~~
    American Indian

  50. My moms side is German. My dads side is half Irish half German -Josie Moore

  51. Griffin Geiger
    My dad's side is Irish and French, my mother's side is Polish and German.

  52. Dad: My great great grandpa came from Hungary to America, and had my grandpa.
    Mom: My great grandma came from London when she was only 19 to America. She is still with us today.
    -Burton Kozsey

  53. my parents are from Germany and Poland. My dad is from Poland and Mom is from Germany.

  54. My dad's great great great great grandpa moved from Germany to America during the Civil War and built the house next to my grandparents. My mom's many great grandparents moved from Ireland to here as well.

    -Maci Forster

  55. My mother’s side originated from Germany, Canada and Czechoslovakia.
    My father’s side originated from Canada, Lebanon, Ireland, and England.
    - Hillary Hemry
