Thursday, November 6, 2014

Post #3: At the end of the 1930 reading, Miss Etta writes a letter to Elijah stating her reasons why he should allow Luvenia to stay in Chicago. In this blog post I would like you to write this letter for Miss Etta. It only needs to be a short paragraph where you give some reasons for Luvenia staying in Chicago.


  1. Dear Elijah,
    Luvenia is doing well in Chicago. She's going to try and start her own business. Luvenia loves the city and has dreams of going to the University of Chicago here. She has been working hard to earn every bit if money she can. Please let her stay. You can count on me to watch her. I'll make sure she goes to church. Trust me Luvenia is meant for the city. She's got some big dreams here, and she's getting there.
    Miss Etta

  2. Dear Elijah,
    Please let Luvenia stay in Chicago. She wants to go to college at the University of Chicago. She loves the plantation, but she wants to go to get an education so she can become a teacher or maybe even a lawyer. She will miss you, Goldie and Richard greatly, but please let her do what she wants to do. I'll be helping her get started and we will always stay in touch. Please let her stay.
    Sincerely, Miss Etta

  3. Dear Elijah,
    You should not force Luvenia to move to Curry Island. It is her dream to stay here and go to college. She has big goals. She is smart enough to pursue them. She wants to become a teacher and she is very well capable of it. Farming isn't her thing. Luvenia is a city girl. Let the girl stay here and don't let her waste her talent working in the fields. Thank you. Sincerely, Miss Etta.

  4. Dear Elijah,

    How's everything in Curry? I hope you're well. Luvenia told me that you want to move the family down there. Luvenia's having mixed feelings about it, Elijah. She knows how much Curry means to you, but she wants to stay here. She wants to go to the University of Chicago and become a teacher. She's a city girl. So, please, let her stay. She can stay with me. I know it would mean the world to her. Think about it, please.


  5. Dear Elijah,
    I know you're worrying about Luvenia and want her to move down to Curry but she has dreams here in Chicago. She has dreams going to the University of Chicago and becoming a teacher. She knows that the land is very important to you although she wants to make a living doing something other than farming. Luvenia is growing up and you can't protect her forever. Please accept that and allow Luvenia to stay in Chicago to live out her dreams.

  6. Dear Elijah,
    How are you doing on the plantation? Luvenia is doing well, but she wants to stay in Chicago, and I think that she should. I don't think that you should force her to leave Chicago. She would like to go to college here at the University of Chicago and study to become a teacher. Luvenia loves the city, and she says that she doesn't want to live on a farm. It would be terrible to take her away from the place where she grew up and where she wants to stay, so please let her stay. If you let her stay, I will take care of her.

    Miss Etta

  7. Dear Elijah,
    I think that you should let Luvenia stay in chicago so she can live her dream of living in the city to pursue her dream of teaching in the city. She doesn't want to be a farmer in the country she wants to be a teacher in the city. Please allow her to stay and live her dream

  8. Dear Elijah,
    I hope things are going well down in Curry. Luvenia is doing well in her studies and wants to stay in Chicago to go to college. That girl is about as determined as you as a child. Luvenia doesn't belong on a plantation. There isn't much she could do there anyway. She is working so hard to open her own bussiness. Don't crush her soul by making her come back. God makes things happen for a reason, don't ruin His plans for her. It'll be hard at first, but soon enough she'll be sending money down to you. Please find the kindess in your heart to let her stay.


  9. Dear Elijah,

    Luvenia told me that you want her to join you in Curry but she has different thoughts. She wants to become a teacher like Florenza and attend the University of Chicago to get her degree. She has already applied for a loan and is wondering if you would let her stay and pursue her dreams. Hope you and Goldie are having a great time.

    Sincerely, Miss Etta

  10. Dear Elijah,

    I hope everything's going well for you and Goldie down in Curry. Luvenia's been talking about staying here in Chicago, and truth be told, I agree with her. The girl has potential. She's a city girl, Elijah, and though she knows how much Curry means to you, she has her heart set on going to college, and I just know she's gonna do great things. It'd mean the world to Luvenia if you let her stay. I'd be sure to look after her, though she doesn't need it. Take care, and tell Goldie I said hello.


  11. Dear Elijah,

    Luvenia is meant to stay in the city not Curry Island. She is a city girl not a farmer. I think it is time for you to accept her for who she is. If you just gave her a chance you would understand how big of dreams she has. She wants to go to college and become a teacher and Chicago is the place for her to develop and learn. I know she loves you so dearly and just wants you to understand. Please just give her a chance and you will not regret it. I promise.


  12. Dear Elijah Lewis,
    I have been talking with Luvenia, and she feels as if she does not want to go down to Curry , but to stay in Chicago. She desperately wants to attend college at the University of Chicago. I think it would be a good idea if you let her stay here, because she has been such a good help to me and others. She wants to start her own business doing hair and I know she can do that! So please let her stay in Chicago for a while. Thank you.
    Sincerely, Mrs. Etta

    Audrey Turner

  13. Dear Elijah,
    I hope things that are going well down in Curry. Things are just fine up here in Chicago. Luvenia is doing well in her studies and wants to graduate early to go to college. As much as she would love to be with you, Goldie, and Richard, going to college is her dream. If you were here, you would see how determined she is to succeed. She doesn’t belong on a plantation, there’s not much she can do anyway. I promise to take care of her, and if things don’t go as well as expected, I will send her down if I have to drag her. She starting to open her own hair business and will start send money down soon. Please let her stay, she is not only my goddaughter, but my friend. Please consider this.

    Sent with love,
    -Josie Moore

  14. Dear Elijah,
    If you don't mind, Luvenia would like to stay here in Chicago. She is taking care of herself pretty well. She has her own place and is starting a buisness soon. She really loves Curry, as much as you do, but she wants to stay here and continue her education in college. I promise I will look after her and help her out with anything but I doubt she needs it. Since you have continued your dream of going back to Curry, I think it is her chance to continue her dream of going to college. I am almost positive that she will not disappoint you.
    Best Wishes,
    Miss Etta

  15. Dear Elijah,
    How has everybody been lately? I've heard you want to move back to Curry Island. Luvenia doesn't want to though. She wants to stay here and attend the University of Chicago and become a teacher. She has a job working for the Deets and believes she can get a job doing hair on the days she is not working for the Deets. Please let her stay her in Chicago she can even stay with me if you want her to.

  16. Dear Elijah,
    I'm am writing to you to ask that Luvenia stay in Chicago. She is aware of how much Glory Field means to you, but Chicago is where she belongs. She already has a plan for her life and I assure you that I will look after her and help guide her. I believe her life is meant to be in Chicago. Please don't withhold her from the life she is meant to live.
    With love,

    Lexi Przyojski

  17. Dear Elijah,
    Please let Luvenia stay here in Chicago with me. She keeps me company and she would really like to go to college. She wants to go to college to become a teacher. If she works hard I really believe that she can be successful. Luvenia is a very smart girl and you should let her follow her dreams, just like you got to follow your dreams and move back to Curry island. It would be greatly appreciated by the both of us if you would let her stay here wiht me in Chicago.

    Sincerely, with great love,
    Miss Etta

    Maegan Pete

  18. Dear Elijah,

    How are things down south? Everything is great up here. However, Luvenia has requested I talk to you about a little issue she's having. She does not wish to move down to Curry. She has dreams. She plans to go to the University of Chicago so she can become a teacher. She even has a job. Your daughter is growing up and has everything under control. She's not cut out for the farm life and very much wishes you will let her stay in the city.

    -Noah Driehorst

  19. Dear Elijah,
    I hope your doing well. Your daughter, Luvenia wishes to stay here in Chicago. Please let her. She will do so well/ She is city girl, not born to be on a farm. Please consider it. Thanks anyways.
    Much love. Etta

    Morgan Kelly

  20. Dear Elijah,
    i'm writing on account of luvenia who says she would rather stay here.She says she has lived and grown up in the city so shes a city girl.Also she said that moving to the glory field to work the land was your dream but hers is to go to college.please consider this

  21. Dear my great friend Elijah,
    Is everything going alright down where you live? I heard Curry Island is a great place to live but not for Luvenia. She is a city girl and she loves being around other folks. She especially loves her job up here and she evens plans on going to college! She is meant to be a city girl and not to work on a farm. Please let Luvenia stay sir.

    Sincerely, Miss Etta

  22. Dear Elijah,
    I know you want the family to move back to Curry but Luvenia really likes the city. She has dreams and aspersions, she wants to go to the University of Chicago. I can give her a job and a place to live. You of all people should know you need to chase your dreams.

  23. Salutations Elijah!
    How's Curry? Your beloved daughter Luvenia is wonderous help to me. She does my hair, and helps me around the house. She would like to stay so she can get an education, and a good job, And shes my friend. The girl needs an education. And she needs your permission.

    My Greatest wishes,
    Miss Etta

    Burton kozsey

  24. Dear Elijah,

    Will you please let Luvenia stay in Chicago? It is her dream to go to college at the University of Chicago. She wants to study to become a teacher or even maybe a lawyer. Please let her do this. This is her dream. She knows how much Curry Island means to you, but she wants to stay here and do something that means a lot to her. She can stay with me here. I will always be there for her too. Please take a few minutes to think about this. Thank you.

    Miss Etta.

    -Jeremy Pridgeon

  25. Dear Elijah,
    I hope all is well for you in Curry island. I know that you want to return to the Glory Fields to peruse. That is not Luvenia's dream. She is a city girl and wants to go to the University of Chicago to become a teacher. She is working really hard and trying to work with the banks. You shouldn't punish her for everything she has done her in Chicago. I will look after her. Please consider it.
    Mrs. Etta

    -Elizabeth Geer

  26. Dear Elijah,
    How are things in Curry Island? I hope you and the family are well along with your Glory Fields. I am writing to you as a favor for Luvenia who, by your request, is still under my care. Luvenia is and always will be a born and raised city girl and as one, she loves it here in the city. I know you want the whole family down in Virginia on the fields, but Luvenia wants to stay here. She’s a strong, independent girl who has been taking great care of herself and working really hard to stay on her feet. Besides, she dreams of attending the University of Chicago here, and even wants to study to be a teacher. Leaving Chicago would only keep her from reaching her goal, so I am asking and so is Luvenia to let her stay here. She will still be a Lewis girl no matter what. All the best to you and Goldie.

    Yours truly, Miss Etta

  27. Dear Elijah,
    Hi there, how are you? Hows Curry Island? Speaking of Curry Island, Luvenia is doing very well right now and amazing in school and I don't think you should force her to move to Curry Island to work on the farm. She really likes Chicago and wants to focus on teaching. Please don't make her leave Chicago to work on a farm.


  28. Dear Elijah,
    How is your time at Curry Island? I know you want Luvenia to come with you, but she is content here in Chicago, and is doing excellent in school. She wants to graduate from University of Chicago and become a teacher. Who would've imagined that? Anyway, I hope things are good over there.

    Best wishes,
    Miss Etta

  29. Dear Elijah,
    How are you doing down there in Curry Island? Anyway, Luvenia has told me that she doesn't want to live in Curry Island, because she wants to live in Chicago. She says she wants to live in Chicago because she is a city girl. She also wants to finish high school here. After she finishes high school, she would like to go to college here to become a teacher. I think she should stay in Chicago too. I think this because she is a very responsible and hardworking young lady. It would be greatly appreciated if you consider this letter.
    Sincerely, Etta
    -Kylie Schroeder

  30. Dear Elijah Lewis,
    I hope things are going good down in Curry! Luvenia, however, is not so good. Luvenia wishes badly to make you happy in Curry and to help in the Glory Field. But, she has other objectives. She greatly wishes to stay in Chicago and go to college, like her boss's daughter. She wants to learn a trade and be smart and succeed, and she does not want to go to Curry. Please don't make her work at Curry, Luvenia is intent on becoming a teacher in Chicago, please let her stay.

    Lucille Meyer

  31. Dear Elijah,
    How are you and the family? Down here its going good. Luvenia has been thinking about you all non stop. She really likes Chicago and wishes to stay here. Luvenia dreams about going to the University of Chicago here and becoming a teacher. She belongs here, to pursue her dreams. Luvenia will always be a Lewis no matter what. Also wishing you all best of luck on Curry Island.

    Miss Etta

    -Grace Diesing

  32. Elijah,

    I'm sure you miss Luvenia, and she misses you too. I also know you want her back on the farm. But Luvenia doesn't really want to be on the farm herself. You see, she's a city girl and that's where she wants to stay. She misses you, and I know you miss her, but she really wants to stay here. She wants to go to college here, too. Plus, she wants to start her own business. I can only hope you understand, as does Luvenia.
    With hopes,

  33. Dear Elijah,
    How are thing down in curry Island? Luvenia doesn't want to go down and work on the glory fields. She rather stay up in Chicago and work for a collage degree in teaching. She doesn't want to go down and work on a farm she rather stay up here and teach.

  34. Dear Elijah,
    How are you and Goldie doing down in Curry? I would like to inform you that Luvenia is excellent as of now. It is not my choice but if I were in your shoes, I would let her stay in Chicago. She has shown academic progress and excellence. Luvenia wants to go to college to study to become a teacher and I believe that woulds be a good experience for her to reach her maximum potential. I also believe this could help your life in Curry. If Luvenia makes a steady salary for a teacher she can send more down south to pay taxes and keep the land ours in Curry. I plead you to reconsider your choices and evaluate the best choice for your daughter.

  35. Dear Elijah Lewis,
    Hi! It's me. Etta. Your daughter and I are having a wonderful time in Chicago. Luvenia loves it here, and would be reluctant to leave on such short notice. If you allow Luvenia to remain in Chicago, then I will care for her and be her guardian. When you get the chance to write back, tell me how Curry Island is!


  36. Dear Elijah,
    Hello. How are you? I was wanting to ask to you to let Luvenia stay in chicago. She is planning on going to Chicago University. She really loves school and its good for her. She also believs she is a city girl and would be no use on a farm i agree. Please let luevenia stay here she likes it here and i love the company.

    Cade Nelson

  37. Dear Elijah,
    Hello, how are you enjoying Curry Island? I hope you are having a good time. Luvenia really likes the city, and I believe she should stay. She wants to focus on her dreams of teaching. I imagine she would hate working on a farm down south, rather than living her life she always wanted. I hope you take my thoughts into consideration. It would be the best for Luvenia.
    Your friend,
    Miss Etta

    ~ Abbey Jaegle

  38. Dear Elijah,
    How is everyone doing? Luvenia is doing well, but she doesn't want to go back to Curry Island. She's a city girl, born and raised in Chicago. She has dreams of attending the University of Chicago and becoming a teacher, forcing her to move to Curry Island will only hold her back. She has become a very strong, independent woman and has been working very hard to support herself. I will continue to look after her if you agree to let her stay in Chicago. I hope you at least consider allowing her to stay here.

    With love,

    ~Mary Olnhausen~

  39. Dear Eijiah,
    Luvenia is doing fine here in Chicago. She loves every minute of it. Trust me she is a city girl. I will make sure I keep a close eye on her, and help her when she needs it. She has dreams of attending Chicago University, and becoming a teacher. She is living and doing fine on her own and is working as much as possible to have a steady income. She just is opening her own business and I am tagging along to help her with it. I love her here with me in Chicago, and she likes the city also. Please don't force her to come back to Curry Island, that would crush her dreams.
    Miss. Etta

  40. Dear Elijah,

    I was writing to ask you of a couple of things. I would first like to let you know that Luvenia is doing very well here in Chicago. I would like to ask your permission to keep Luvenia here in Chicago because I think she has a great chance of pursuing her dreams and becoming a teacher. If you let her stay, she could get her job and make good money for the family and eventually live a life of her own. I would like you to consider this and please write back your response.


    Nate Kujawa

  41. Dear Elijah,

    How are things down on Curry island? I'd like to assure you that things here in Chicago are doing great. Luvenia is doing wonderful, as am I. She is currently earning the money to go to collage at the University of Chicago. As you know your daughter is not a farm girl. She is very much so a city girl. I am requesting that you allow her to stay here with me while she pursues her dream of being a teacher.
    Say hello to Goldie for me!

    Best wishes, Etta

  42. Dear Elijah,

    How are things on Curry Island? I hope you, Goldie, and Richard are having a grand time and that the Lord had blessed that Glory Field of yours. As you probably already know, I'm writing to insure you that Luvenia, who you asked for me to look over, is doing just fine. However, she's been telling me that she doesn't want to join you on Curry Island. She keeps telling me this idea about "the New Negro", saying that Negros can do anything they want to. She's also told me about how she wants to go to colleague. Luvenia's a smart girl, Elijah, I'm sure she'd do well. Even if she didn't make it in colleage, that girl can do some hair! I think if you take our Luvenia into the country, you'd spoil her. She's a city girl, so let's think about giving her the oppurtunity to be a successful one. Of course, the choice is yours in the end, but Luvenia's got my support in whatever she wants to do whenever.


    ----- Hillary Hemry -----

  43. Dear Elijah,
    I'm writing you this by request of your daughter, Luvenia. She is doing very well here in Chicago, and though you want her to move back down to Curry with you, her heart really is in the city. She belongs here, so she can pursue her dreams of going to college. I hope you consider letting her stay, Elijah, because even though she knows how much this means to you, being in Chicago means the world to her as well. Reply soon.


  44. Dear Mr. Lewis,
    How have you and the rest of your family been? Luvenia has been doing great, but there are some things that I need to talk to you about. Luvenia doesn't want to go to Curry Island. She wants to stay in Chicago to go to college and become a teacher. I agree with her that she should stay. One reason she should stay is because she would be learning a lot. Going to college would give her lots of learning experiences. Beyond education she would also be learning valuable life lessons in college. Luvenia would have to learn how to take care of herself and learn how to manage her time wisely. I also don't want to loose my goddaughter and spending time with her. She is some of the only family I have. I really do help that you let her stay.
    Miss Etta

    -Kimberly Sparks

  45. ~~~Xander Stewart~~

    Dear Elijah,
    I hope that everything is doing fine down there at Currie Island, I know that you wish to return all of your family down there, but Luvenia is happy here. She is thinking of going to college to study teaching. Luvenia has asked me to write this to tell you that she wants to stay here in Chicago, she is a strong independent women who'll pay for her own rent and is starting upper own business. Luvenia is begging you to let her stay here through me. So I beg of you consider Luvenia's own intrests before your own.


  46. Dear Elijah,
    I hope everything is good down in Curry. Luvenia and I sure do miss all of you. There is a topic I would like to discuss. Luvenia has been thinking about graduating from high school early and attending the University of Chicago to become a teacher. Of course she wants your approval first. She promises to keep her grades up and if after one year she fails, she will come down to Curry and work on the plantation. We both really hope you think abbout this and decide to let her attend college. Thanks again!
    Miss Etta
    -Olivia Kopaniasz
