Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Post #4: Watch the video below that gives just a small glimpse of the civil rights movement. What are your thoughts on the progress that we've made? Have we done an adequate job of integrating the African American population? What are some positive steps that have been made? What still needs to be done for equality?


  1. Watching this video amazed me on what they did to black people back then. We have come so far in life from then. We don't blow blacks up or shoot them with water hoses we treat them with equality. We have done some serious damage to the African American population. I think there would be a lot more African Americans today if we wouldn't have killed them. Some positive steps that have been made are we treat others that are colored equal and we all share the same thing. We have become more generous and courteous to those that are colored and do not look at them like others would have in 1964. Even though there has been a lot done for equality I think we should still work on being more successful with African Americans and think about what we could do to make it even more better than now.
    -Maci Forster

  2. I think that we have dine an adequate job at integrating people into our society and into our lives. some positive steps we have taken is to allow Black people into our school. we cold probably work more on integrating people into our counties and things like that. For example I don't think that there is anyone who is black that lives in our neighborhood or things like that. If you know what I mean.

  3. Griffin Geiger
    I myself believe we have made a lot of progress for equal rights of all people, like the African Americans due to all that has and is happening now. We have integrated African Americans and now, look, there are many African American athletes and government officials, we even now have an African American president, Barack Obama. For total equality, all people, no matter their color of skin or race should have an equal opportunity for everything like education and offices for government, but all in all, I think that we have come a long way from the segregation time period.

  4. My thoughts on the progress we've made are that it was very slow. Many people were hurt, mentally scared, and even killed. However, after the Civil Rights Movement was passed, I think Americans began accepting "blacks", as well as did a good job of integrating African Americans into our population. Positive steps that were taken to obtain equality were that although each movement had it's negatives, the end result was a huge positive. Steps that resulted in no negative consequences were Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches and some of the marches. I think that the only thing that needs to be done for equality is that we need to teach our children today that everyone is equal and to dis-encourage racism and discrimination in general.

    ~ Hillary Hemry ~

  5. We've made tremendous progress since then. Yes we have done an adequate job of integrating the African American population. African Americans are now equal to us minus racist people. Nothing really needs to be done because we can't change peoples emotions on certain subjects.

    1. I would like specifics concerning the positive steps that we have made.

  6. My thoughts on the progress that we made are phenomenal! We have made a lot of progress since the Civil Rights Movement. We have done an adequate job of integrating the African American population by having both populations mixed to do the same things with each other. Some positive steps that we have done were that we are integrated now. Caucasians and African Americans are doing the same things now and with each other. We are mixed now and blacks and whites get to do the same things together. For equality, we need to get blacks and whites more involved because some of them still hate each other. Just like in Missouri when a white police officer shot a black man and the African Americans started to protest against the whites.

  7. I personally think that over the years we have made a lot of improvements and progress. Over the years I think African Americans have been over the years treated fairly. We have got rid of only black schools, only black taxis, restaurants, bathrooms, drinking fountains, etc. Another good thing that has happened through the years is currently we have an African American president. I believe everyone should be treated fairly.

    - Jeremy Pridgeon

  8. When it comes to the civil rights of African Americans in the U.S., I think we have made a lot of progress compared to what it used to be. We no longer have segregated schools or drinking fountains or restaurants anymore and we treat African Americans pretty much like any other person. The integration of both races has improved drastically since nowadays we have African Americans running big time businesses, supporting our country, and even leading our nation as A class citizens, we have not completely left segregation behind yet. There are still a lot of stereotypes about African Americans, and even if they don't think about it, people still avoid them or don't treat them equally. We are a growing nation who's society has to grow with it so, as Americans, we have to continue improving the equality throughout our nation.

  9. The progress we have made shows a drastic difference in comparison to the time shown in this video. I feel that we have done an adequate job integrating people of all races, though there is still much improvement to be done. Though the integration of races in schools is a positive outcome of these protests, children will still face discrimination in the school they attend. Simply changing the laws is nowhere near the difficulty of changing a person's mindset. Despite this, the majority of persons today seem to be very accepting and indifferent to people of other races, even being shocked at the way they had been treated years before.

  10. I believe that we have made a ton of progress from where we started. This video has made me realize how much hatred all the African Americans were given. We have done an adequate job of integrating the African American population. Everything here is to be shared between the African Americans and us. Some good steps that we have made are being able to elect the first African American president and getting rid of any places that used to be colored only or white only. Although we have done many good things to improve integration, not everyone agrees. We still have people who will make fun of others who have a different colored skin. We all need to accept the fact that these people are just like us and they don't deserve to be treated like this.

  11. Our country has made amazing process. It's terrible how people were treated back then just because of a different skin color. I'm glad that our country isn't segregated anymore. We've made great process by having integrated schools and restaurants. African Americans can go wherever they want because they have as many rights as the rest of America. No one should be put down because of their race. Everyone should be treated the same. The way America is today towards African Americans is how it always should have been. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. had amazing amounts of bravery and courage, and it paid off. Having a black president is amazing progress from where we used to be. Sadly, we can't change the mindsets of those against other races. There's not anything we can really do to change the feelings of someone who is racist, but we changed the laws which was a great start. Hopefully one day everyone on Earth realizes that their skin color isn't better than anyone else's.

  12. Looking at how far we've come compared to back then, we have made dramatic changes to society. We no longer look at African Americans as a different species. We walk among them in piece, and many African Americans are in very high class of society, and many helping our country in many ways. However, we are still a maturing society. We still somewhat segregate African Americans and many still give them racial names and think lowly of them because of stereotypes. But considering the progress we have made sense the March on Washington, we have changed the way many people live, and the change has showed that we have move on from our mistakes in the past, and we continue to thrive as a society, and how we have grown.

  13. Audrey Turner

    I believe we have done a very good job of mixing races. Since we don't have specific shops, drinking fountains, restaurants, and schools, we have made a difference. Some positive steps that we have made are creating public places and going to school together. Another step is that we work together. We also don't treat each other unkindly. We have grown up since the time of the Civil Rights Movement and I think we have made a big change.

  14. One word. Wow. Some of the things that we did to the African Americans were just plain terrible. We put almost 2000 children in jail! I mean that has to say something people! Fortunately, we have made great progress. We have whites and blacks talking and interacting everyday. Whether it's sports, business or school multiple races are interacting. I think that we don't need to make any changes that can taker an actual effect. But, if we were to do anything, I would say to stop all discrimination and disrespect against different races.

  15. In my opinion, our country has made so much progress in just 50 years. It's just hard for me to even think that something as terrible as threatening and imprisoning people based on their skin color even happened in our country. Once again, we have made very much progress in this period of time. What was once just a dream of many, is now a reality. Everyday, people of all races interact whether it be in schools, businesses, or outside activities. If there was one thing I would suggest as change, however, it would be to stop discrimination of all people and just to respect them as they are.

    - Alyssa Kochendoerfer

  16. I think that the progress we made is great. I'm really glad that we ended segregation in public facilities. We done an adequate job of integrating the African American population. Back then, African Americans couldn't do the same things as the Caucasians. Today, we treat everyone fairly and Africans and Caucasians do the same things like going to the same schools, restaurants, and ride the same taxis/buses. I think that everyone should have equal rights and should be treated fairly. No one should be made fun of what skin color they are.

    - Dharati Patel

  17. Watching the video got me kind of sad. I can't belive people treated blacks that way. The world has changed A LOT since then. Blacks and whites now can be friends without being judged or hurt. African Americans and white people are not separated anymore. They both have the same rights. Yes, some people talk about black people bad but that is the only thing. That is the only thing to fix, that I can think of. I am proud that the U.S. has changed since then.
    ~Lily Varney

  18. The way African Americans were treated back then was horrible and blood-chilling. I can't believe that human beings could be so cruel to each their just because they had different skin colors. Today, there is no laws that make different races drink out of seperate drinking fountains, or use seperate restaurants. We aren't segregated like we used to be. Yet, discrimination still occurs. African Americans are sterotyped and thought of lowly by some people in still. Even though some people don't notice it, they'll avoid them. Our country has grown since 1964, but we still have a lot of growing to do.

  19. I believe that we have made a lot of progress concerning integration. I also believe that we have done an adequate job of integrating the African American population. Some of the positive steps that we have taken were done after the Civil Rights Movement. We started to bring African Americans into white only schools. Also as the years went on we integrated many things such as restaurants and stores. Blacks no longer have to sit in the back of the bus, use different restrooms, drinking fountains, or take the abuse they used to get just because they have a different skin color. I am sure that there will always be a way to improve equality in our country. One way to improve equality is to forget whatever differences we may have and treat each other with respect.
    -Maegan Pete

    1. I can't even begin to think of one reason our ancestors treated African-Americans just because of their skin color. I believe that we have done a good job integreating the blacks because we went from segregated schools, restaurants, and transportation to allowing blacks into previously white schools and givving them an equal say in government. A positive step that has been made is integrating schools and allowing blacks to run for government officials. African-Americans have even been on professional sport teams or been elected leaders of the state or even the country. President Barack Obama was the first African-American president and I hope we can keep having more first like this. I believe that everything can get better and we can help equality by never forgetting the terrible ways we treated these African-American and give them the respect they deserved even before they fought for and earned it.
      -Kylee Nadolny

  20. It is truly disgusting me how unfair and discriminatory were to our own kind. At the end of the day we all bleed the same color and breathe the same air. To us they were different all because of their darker skin. To them, couldn't they have been looking at it the same way about us? To them we could'v been the odd ball out. Segregation has come a long way. There are no laws separating us. I do think that we have done and adequate job but unfortunately some people don't see what is truly right. Some people like to dwell on the past. Did we discriminate against blacks out of fear?
    -Burton kozsey

  21. I think that that the changes we have made as a country are astounding. I am certain that the US has made adequate progress since the civil rights movement in 1865 to now. Steps that have been made are, allowing blacks and whites to go to the same school, sharing restrooms, drinking fountains and especially having our first African American president of the United States!!! there will always be ways to improve our country, but I think that we have done a great job ending segregation

    Mariah Frobel

  22. I think we have made a lot of improvement since the Civil Rights Movement. We’ve also done an adequate job of integrating the African American population. Today, whites and blacks can be friends. Blacks also have the same rights as the white people. Also, we have abolished the only black schools, drinking fountains, etc.
    -Kylie Schroeder

  23. I believe that we as a country have come a long way, but there is still room for improvement. We have grown because we can interact freely with each other and not be judged. We also do not use separate drinking fountains, schools, or restaurants anymore. I'm glad we are not doing those things to those poor innocent people nowadays, but sadly some still think in the past. What I think we can still work on is to start including more is respect for one another.

    -Grace Diesing

  24. I think that we have done a good job improving equality in our country. It has really brought us closer together as a nation. It proved to us that differences are just a state of mind. However things are not perfect. There is still some racism among us especially in today's youth. People play it off as "racist jokes", but some people could be really sensitive to that sort of thing.
    -Noah Driehorst

  25. I believe that we have made a lot of progress from where we started back then. The way they use to treat blacks was very horrible. I think we have mad o lot of process from back then to now. We have done a lot to help stop segregation but we still have a long way to come. We can forget the thing we have done and try to be nice to everybody because it doesn't matter what they are.

  26. I think America has put their best foot forward when it comes to integration. They have put blacks in white schools and allowed children to become friends. Blacks are treated nicely these days. No longer being pushed around by the "superior" whites. The can sit where they want on the bus and in restaurants. I think that blacks still could be treated with more respect, but that's not everyone's fault. I believe that America as a whole has done a great job. -Josie Moore

  27. I can not believe that the fireman and police of Birmingham released dogs and sprayed fire hoses onto the protesters! Looking back onto that, I must say that we made a great deal of progress. Today all the different races can eat in the same restaurants and go to the same schools, these people actually have the same rights that we have. A very good example of how far we have came from the civil rights movement is that we have an African American President currently. In my opinion we have done an adequate job of integrating the African American population. Some people today may still have reasons to not like the Africans but this will always be part of life. Some positive steps that have been made include President Kennedy making his anger with the Alabama deaths clear and the election of president Barack Obama. To be honest, I think this is about as equal as the world is going to get. I cant change peoples opinions and there are no actual racial problems to my knowledge that are currently taking place.

  28. I think America has put their best foot forward when it comes to integration. They have put blacks in white schools and allowed children to become friends. Blacks are treated nicely these days. No longer being pushed around by the "superior" whites. The can sit where they want on the bus and in restaurants. I think that blacks still could be treated with more respect, but that's not everyone's fault. I believe that America as a whole has done a great job. -Josie Moore

  29. I think that we have made a lot of progress integrating. I also think that we have done an adequate job of integrating the population. Positive steps that have been made is that African Americans go to school with whites. African Americans do the same things that whites do and can choose to do the same things that whites do.Everyday people of different races interact with each other all the time. Ways that people interact with people of different races could be for a job, sports, they could be your friend, or you could just be having a conversation with them. Also, we no longer have different drinking fountains for African Americans and whites, and the African Americans don't have to sit in the back of the bus, or use different restrooms. Although we have made several positive steps concerning integration, we could still make some changes. One thing that we could do is to ignore what people look like, and just treat everyone with respect, and treat everyone equally.

  30. I believe that we have come a very long way with the integration of African Americans, but there are still some areas we must improve on. Many things have already been done to support equality in the U.S., and this includes allowing African Americans to vote and hold public offices in government. I think that there is still a lot of racism in our country. All of this unnecessary judgment, violence, and hatred needs to stop. I can't believe that with all the progress we have made there are still people so ignorant that they think it is alright to judge someone based on their skin color. Even though we say our country is equal many of us know that it is not completely fair.

  31. I'd have to say that I believe that the United States in particular made some decent progress since then, allowing all citizens, regardless of race to vote, run for office and the such. As for integrating the African American population, I'd say yes. They're "integrated" to be the same as any one else. As for positive steps, I'd say giving all people the same rights as long as they're citizens, and even if they're not citizens they're not treated like terrorists. And for what could be done for equlity, I'm not really sure. They have the same rights, can run for office, everything the same as any other races. Some people are just blatantly racist though. There's nothing you can do about it. Maybe finding a way to go against racism, banning it probably wouldn't stop anyone and would upset people because it infringes upon the freedom of speech. I really don't know.

  32. I do believe we have made a lot of progress since that time period. I do also believe we have done a good job of integrating their population. The steps we have taken since then is letting them in white restraints, schools, and stores. They are no longer separated from the rest of us like for example they don't have to sit in the back of the bus or drunk from different drinking fountains. Just because they had a different skin color they had to do other things. There are things that could be changed to make it even better like one is treat other the way they want to be treated and put yourself in their shoes.

  33. My thoughts on the progress we have made is tremendous. We have made so much progress. Yes, I do believe that we have made an adequate job of integrating the African American population, we are now united as a whole with them. Some positive steps that have been made are that African Americans are treated equally, we have the same rights as they do, and African Americans like Barack Obama can be the president of the United States. Discrimination still occurs, putting this to an end still needs to be done for equality.

  34. I personally believe we had made a lot of progress and improvements over the years toward equal rights of all people. Its hard to think that these terrible events of treating people so poorly only for the color of their skin happened here in our own country.I think that we have done an adequate job of integrating the African American people into our society and into our lives. To do that, we have integrated all schools, restaurants, bathrooms and so much more. Obviously we cant change the opinions of individual people but as a country we have grown a lot and still continue to grow to this day.
    -Morgan Powell

  35. I believe that we have made a lot of progress. Most people treat coloreds fair and equal. There are many famous African Americans' and we even have an African American president. No African Americans are doing marches or protesting anymore either. We all go to the same school and places. Coloreds can vote and do everything a white could do. I think one thing we could never change is just how some people treat African Americans. Some people just have no respect for them and I don't understand why. We need to teach children that just because people are a different race doesn't mean they should be treated differently. People need to understand this clearly and know that African Americans have went through a lot to get their freedom. People need to treat coloreds fair and not make jokes about their race.

  36. When I watched that video and saw how the whites treated the blacks back then, I said wow. That is a horrible way to treat someone, even childeren, just because they are different. We have changed a lot since then. The progress that we have been is great. Back then, blacks and whites couldn't even share a drinking fountain or sit in the same area as the bus, but now our president is black. Although some people still make fun of other types of people because they are a different gender or race, but it's a lot better than back then before th civil rights movement when the whites would spray high pressured water, that would rip out their hair and childeren.

  37. African Americans were treated so badly back then. We have made so much progress in improving equality in the U.S. By mixing races in schools, we have made so much progress. Its no longer weird to drink out of the same drinking fountain as a black person or sit near them on a bus. One way to improve equality is to completely stop the discrimination because, there still is some.

  38. When I watched the video, it amazed me how poorly African Americans were treated back then. Over the years, we have made a lot of progress. In the past African Americans and whites had separate drinking fountains, restrooms, and sections on the bus and at restaurants. Today, we share the same drinking fountain, bathrooms, and everyone is allowed to where ever they want on buses and in restaurants. Back then, we only had white presidents. But, that has changed and today we have the first African American president. People have stood up for what is right (integration) and and what they believe in. There is still a little bit of segregation today, but that can be changed by people not making fun of others because of their gender or race.
    -Olivia Kopaniasz

  39. This video definitely shocked me about how poorly African American people were treated. Over the past years we have allowed them into our schools, let them share the same drinking fountains, restrooms, and restaurants. Those are some steps that we have taken. Personally I think that we've done a pretty good job integrating them into our world with the white people. Some things that we still need to do for equality is make sure that we include African Americans, or even people of other races to make them feel included. They don't deserve inequality. They are just like you and me!

  40. It really surprised me that African Americans were treated so poorly. Over the years I believe America has made progress getting rid of segregation. Yes people still have racial opinions but we can't control that. An example of our progress would be electing president Obama. In the past we had separate drinking fountains, bathrooms, schools, and restaurants. Today we have the same bathrooms drinking fountain,schools, and restaurants. People stood up for what they believed in and today people still do.

    Morgan Kelly

  41. I think that we've made some good progess over the years. Back then, Whites and Blacks had seperate water fountains, restrooms, and sections of buses. Now, we don't have seperate fountains. People are able to drink where they want, eat where they want, and sit where they want. Some people today though are still in the mindset of back then. That some people are better than others because of how they look. I think that our generation should set a good example for younger ones and teach them that looks don't matter.

    -Stephanie Harasim

  42. Watching this video baffled me with the ways that the blacks were treated. I think we have done an amazing with no longer having segregation. I think we have done a very adequate job of integrating african americans. They now have all of the same freedoms as we do. We have done things as have african americans in government (president), african americans have also been to the moon and there are many actors and actresses. I feel that stereotypes are beginning to form but I believe like in 1964 that if you work hard you can achieve high goals no matter what your race.

    ~Elizabeth Geer

  43. I believe that we have made lots of progress integrating. There was a huge difference in the past and now. The way I saw the blacks being treated made me feel bad for them. I cannot believe that firefighters and police officers would release dogs and sprayed hoses to the black people. Right now many African Americans have the right to get a job, have education, and to pursue there dreams. Today we treat everyone fairly by ending segregation. If we still have segregation in the US (which I hope is never going to happen) then things would be the same fifty years ago. I think what has to be done for equality is to have more and more integrated schools and to provide education and jobs and to also give rights to the people. I hope the US and the world realize that it does not matter what skin color you and that everyone should be treated the same.

  44. We have had a great change by having Barack Obama become the first African president, which helped race relations in the United States. Even though a lot of the southern states still are quite racist, by electing Obama the country showed that as a whole we were accepting of a African man as our president. Only six decades ago we were very segregated, hotels, restaurants, buses, and drinking fountains could not be used for both races, but now it doesn't matter who goes where or who drinks out of what fountain. We can still make further progress on equal hiring in high level position jobs for African Americans.
    Lucille Meyer

  45. It amazes me how poorly African Americans were treated. I knew some stuff but this video relay showed me how bad it was. They were discriminated everywhere. Restraunts, bathrooms, schools, and even busses. We have come a very long way but i don't think we are completely finished either. We still have raciests in our society today. Not all of them discriminate by race either. Like religion or education.
